阅读论文《TROIKA: A General Framework for Heart Rate Monitoring Using Wrist-Type Photoplethysmographic Signals During Intensive Physical Exercise》

作者的 homepage 2017年后的数据没再更新了,可能在学术界不活跃了?研究方向偏向于数据挖掘,信号处理之类,还涉及金融领域和医疗健康领域,是我比较喜欢的领域。


第一个碰到的名词就不太懂 Power Spectrum Estimation 翻译成中文就是功率谱估计,定义是利用给定的一组样本数据估计一个平稳随机信号的功率谱密度

参考资料:文章1 文章2

其中第二篇非常详细地介绍了各种不同的实现方法,文献中最先采用了传统傅里叶变换分析方法中的周期图法,然后提到了music算法但说它需要 model order selection 有点难,所以它提出了用 SSR-based spectrum estimation,该分析技术的前提是被估计的频谱是稀疏或压缩的,也就是说只有几个谱系数为非零值。





  1. signal decomposition 去除原始PPG信号中的MA,并且稀疏其频谱
  2. sparse signal re-construction (ssr) 计算高分辨率PPG信号的频谱
  3. spectral peak tracking 寻找心率对应的光谱峰(spectral peak)



T秒的滑动窗口,以S的步长增加(S <= T/2,T = 8, S = 2)

(1) signal decomposition

目的:降噪 / 稀疏化PPG信号的频谱

$$ \mathbf{y}=\sum_{i=1}^{Q} \mathbf{y}_{i} $$

方法有:singular spectrum analysis (SSA) / single-channel independent component analysis 等等

他们选择了 SSA,包括四个步骤: Embedding, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), Grouping, and Reconstruction.

clustering singular values [23, pp. 66] ⬇️


首先使用 periodogram 来计算 dominant frequencies(幅度大于50%波谱中最大振幅的峰值)来确定加速度数据每个通道的频谱。F_acc 用来表示 set of location indexes of selected dominant frequencies in spectra.

其次按照上图所示的四个步骤走,grouping 之后 remove the time series whose dominant frequencies have location indexes in F_acc,剩余的信号用于重建PPG。

上述去除的过程可能会不小心去掉和心跳有关的信息,用 N_p 表示 the location indexes of fundamental and harmonic frequencies of the heartbeat estimated in the previous time window,在 F_acc 中排除掉 {Np − Δ,···,Np − 1,Np,Np + 1,…,Np + Δ}


一些参数设置:L = 400, #FFT points = 4096,Δ = 10,sampling rate = 125 Hz

参考资料:Singular Spectrum Analysis for time series forecasting in Python

(2) Temporal Difference Operation



(3) Sparse Signal Reconstruction

目的:生成 high-resolution spectrum estimation


$$ y = Φ x + v $$

y is an observed signal of the size M × 1

x is an unknown solution vector which is assumed to be sparse or compressive

v is an unknown noise vector

目标是基于 yΦ 找到稀疏矩阵 x,可以根据以下公式:

$$ \widehat{\mathbf{x}} \leftarrow \min _{\mathbf{x}}\|\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{\Phi} \mathbf{x}\|_{2}^{2}+\lambda g(\mathbf{x}) $$

λ is a regularization parameter

g(x) is a penalty function encouraging the sparsity of the x

初始化 Φ 为:

$$ \Phi_{m, n}=e^{j \frac{2 \pi}{N} m n}, m=0, \ldots, M-1, n=0, \ldots, N-1 $$




(4) Spectral Peak Tracking

目的:选择正确的谱峰 / 处理峰值受到MA干扰不存在的情况

(1) Initialization


(2) Peak Selection

Nprev: frequency location index of HR estimated in the previous time window

R0 = [Nprev−Δs, …, Nprev+Δs]

R1 = [2(Nprev−Δs−1)+1, …, 2(Nprev+Δs−1)+1]

在这两个搜索范围里,选择3个higest peaks with amplitude no less than a threshold η

frequency location indexes of the three peaks in R0:

$$ N_{i}^{0}(i=1,2,3) $$

indexes of the three peaks in R1:

$$ N_{j}^{1}(j=1,2,3) $$

参数:Δs = 16,η = 30% of the highest peak amplitude in R

(3) Verification 目的:prevent the wrong tracking

Rule1: prevent a large change in the estimated BPM values in two successive time windows

$$ N_{\mathrm{cur}}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}{N_{\mathrm{prev}}+\tau,} & {\mathrm{if} \widehat{\mathrm{N}}-\mathrm{N}_{\mathrm{prev}} \geq \theta} \\ {N_{\mathrm{prev}}-\tau,} & {\mathrm{if} \widehat{\mathrm{N}}-\mathrm{N}_{\mathrm{prev}} \leq-\theta} \\ {\widehat{N},} & {\text { otherwise }}\end{array}\right. $$

the whole spectrum [0, 125] (Hz) is divided into N = 4096 grids -> a change of six locations in the spectrum means a change of about 11 BPM 这怎么计算?

参数:θ = 6,τ = 2

Rule2: prevent from losing tracking over long time

如果有很强烈的MA,每次用前一次的波谱来代替当前时刻的,导致信号丢失无法找回。所以如果 N = Nprev 出现了连续h个滑动窗口,那么就:

$$ N_{\mathrm{cur}}=N_{\mathrm{prev}}+2 \cdot N_{\mathrm{Trend}} $$
$$ N_{\text {Trend }}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}{1,} & {\text { if } \mathrm{BPM}_{\text {predict }}-\mathrm{BPM}_{\text {prev }} \geq 3} \\ {-1,} & {\text { if } \mathrm{BPM}_{\text {predict }}-\mathrm{BPM}_{\text {prev }} \leq-3(18)} \\ {0,} & {\text { otherwise }}\end{array}\right. $$

参数:如果该现象发生,则Δs = 20;如果不发生,则Δs = 16,h = 3,The predicted BPM was obtained by using the third-order Polynomial curve fitting on the estimated BPM values in previous 20 time windows.


ground truth: 通过ECG信号(不经过任何处理)得到的60H/D (in BPM)


W is the total number of time windows

展示了 error1/2的数据 + Bland–Altman plot


related work

  1. independent component analysis (ICA) Kim and Yoo [3]
  2. frequency-domain-based ICA Krishnan et al. [4] (ICA的缺点:multiple PPG sensors + 对数据独立性的假设)
  3. adaptive noise cancelation (ANC) [6], [7] (第六篇看过,用了四种方法去除MA的信号动态选择其一作为 reference signal,缺陷就是后续的处理很容易受到参考信号的干扰 & 当对象运动时重构信号很困难)
  4. spectrum subtraction technique Fukushima et al. [8]
  5. kalman filtering using acceleration data [9] (PPG的MA是有皮肤于脉搏血氧仪表面的间隙变化引起的,和加速度度量的手部运动有区别)
  6. electronic processing methodology [10], time-frequency analysis [11], wavelet de- noising [12], and empirical mode decomposition (EMD)[13]