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Privacy(隐私): Right to be left alone 保护个人内容不被公开



Chaum’s Mix

一种路由协议,提供一个称为 “mix” 的代理服务器链来创建无法被追踪的通信,这些代理服务器接收来自很多个senders的消息,并对他们shuffle处理之后,以随机顺序发送给下一个目的地(可能是另一个混​​合节点)。这里断开了source和destination之间的连接,使得窃听者难以追踪 end-to-end communications

混合网络的概念由David Chaum于1981 年首次描述,基于该概念的应用程序包括匿名 anonymous remailers(邮件转发器,例如Mixmaster),onion routing(洋葱路由),garlic routing(大蒜路由)和 key-based routing(基于密钥的路由,包括Tor,I2P,和Freenet)。

—— 翻译自维基百科


Basic MIX Design


Anonymous Return Addresses

Mix Cascade

  • Messages are sent through a sequence of mixes
    • Can also form an arbitrary network of mixes (“mixnet”)
  • Pad and buffer traffic to foil(阻止) correlation attacks 这是什么?
  • Disadvantage:
    • 计算量大、高时延

Randomized Routing


通过 routing messages randomly 来隐藏发送端

常用的技术:Crowds, Freenet, Onion routing


小知识:“Incognito mode” in modern browsers are not anonymous 浏览器的隐私模式并没有匿名,它只是在关闭浏览器时清除历史记录。

Onion Routing (early Tor)

[Reed, Syverson, Goldschlag 1997]

Sender 选择一系列随机的 routers,其中有些是诚实的,而有些则不是;此外 sender 还控制 path length

Route Establishment (Early Tor)

Routing info for each link encrypted with router’s public key

Each router learns only the identity of the next router

The Onion Router (current Tor)

第二代 onion routing network 网址 从 2003 年 10 月开始运营

为低延时匿名互联网通信(e.g.,Web browsing)特别设计

“Easy-to-use” client proxy

  • Freely available, can use it for anonymous browsing
  • Available for smartphones and tablets too
  • TorBrowser – get it!!!

Tor Circuit Setup

1/ Client proxy establishes a symmetric session key and circuit with Onion Router No.1

2/ Client proxy extends the circuit by establishing a symmetric session key with Onion Router No.2 (Tunnel through Onion Router No.1)

3/ Client proxy extends the circuit by establishing a symmetric session key with Onion Router No.3(Tunnel through Onion Routers No.1 and No.2)

Using a Tor Circuit

Client applications connect and communicate over the established Tor circuit (also to multiple dst-s)

Datagrams are decrypted and re-encrypted at each link

Tor Management Issues

很多引用share一个circuit / Tor router 不需要管理员权限(More participants = better anonymity for everyone )/ Directory servers 维护活动洋葱路由器的列表,它们的位置,当前的公钥等、控制新路由器如何加入网络 “Sybil攻击”:攻击者创建了大量路由器、Directory servers’ keys ship with Tor code

Dining Cryptographers

很神奇的问题,有点 zero-knoledge proof 的感觉,不揭露自己,但是却又传递了信息。具体可以见wiki

当泛化到 any group of size N 时,for each bit of the message, every user generates 1 random bit and sends it to ONE neighbor (every user learns 2 bits - his own and his neighbor’s)

Each user announces own bit XOR neighbor’s bit

Sender announces own bit XOR neighbor’s bit XOR message bit

XOR all announcements = message bit

Super-posed Sending


  • Definitions
  • Applications
  • Types of Attacks
  • Chaum’s Mix, Mix Cascade
  • Tor

You need to know and understand how Chaum’s Mix, Mix Cascade and Tor work.